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Privacy and Payment Security

Safety Declaration infrastructure, developed with the principle of ‘secure shopping’ and ‘confidentiality of personal information’, works with advanced communication protocols, especially SSL technology.

In this way, your credit card information you use in your purchases is automatically encrypted with 128-bit encryption system on your computer and sent to your bank in this way. In other words, since your credit card number and password information can only be viewed between your computer and your bank, it cannot be monitored by unauthorised persons and at the same time it is not stored by our systems.

E-commerce sites in the world that want to use this system must certify the SSL certificate they receive by agreeing with an internet security company such as GeoTrust, which we prefer to work with, by providing all the documents and standards required by this company. As, we have started to take all these precautions for your security. In every purchase you make on, you act within the standards of an internet security company that is widely used all over the world.
In order to be protected from insecure sites where personal information is open to all kinds of abuse, you should make sure that the page addresses where you enter your credit card information have changed from http to https, and if you are using Internet Explorer, lock in the lower left corner of your browser; If you are using Firefox and Netscape, you should make sure that the icons consisting of a lock or key and a blue line are displayed in the lower, the address of secure shopping, can share your experiences and questions with us at