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Membership and Terms of Use


This Membership Agreement (‘Agreement’) has been concluded between GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. (‘Company’), which owns the website (‘Site’) and located at Kuzeykent Mah. Alparslan Türkeş Blv. No:201 Merkez/Kastamonu, and the user (‘Member’, ‘Members’) who becomes a member of the Site by accepting the terms and conditions in this Agreement, in order to determine the terms and conditions for the Member to benefit from the services offered by the Company.
Our contact information is as follows:

Tel: (+90)2124840484
Fax:  (+90)2126443190
Mersis No: 0446002385500041


Our company is a member of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), you can learn the rules of behaviour of ITO regarding the profession from or 444 0 486.
For the establishment of this membership agreement, it is sufficient to enter the requested Member (Membership) Information and the password you will determine, give the specified approvals and / or permissions and press the [Complete Membership] etc. button. We kindly request you to enter your name, e-mail address/mobile phone number and other mandatory information correctly, completely and accurately; if you notice an error, please correct it. You can correct the deficiencies/errors you notice after the completion of the membership process in the My Account section you will access from the Member Login section or you can contact our Customer Service at +(90) 212 484 0 494.

When your membership process is completed, we will send this Membership Information-Contract (in form-text) to the e-mail address you specified in the Membership Information. It is also available as a form on our website. A text such as the text of the Agreement ‘special’ for the member (whose information is entered as a party) may not be kept separately in our Company's systems.
You may terminate your membership at any time you wish, with a verbal or written notification to our Company through the above-mentioned communication channels, without any justification and without penalty; in the same way, our Company may terminate/suspend memberships for various reasons.

Confidentiality, protection, storage, processing, use and destruction of member-customer information, commercial electronic communications and other issues in our Company and our Site, the Privacy Rules - Policy and Terms of Use, the various current principles of which are specified below, apply.

- The necessary measures for the security of the information and transactions provided by the members have been taken in the systems and internet infrastructure by our Company or the relevant organisation according to the nature of the information and transaction. All credit card transactions and approvals are carried out online between you by the relevant Bank and similar Card Institutions independent of our Company (Information such as credit card ‘password’ is not seen and recorded by our Company).
- Information entered on our website for membership, product/service purchase and information update purposes, as well as sensitive confidential information of credit and debit cards cannot be viewed by other internet users.

- Information belonging to our members may be disclosed to the relevant organisations within the framework of our responsibilities stipulated by legal regulations.

- In addition, the personal information given by the Members, which they will give in various ways and which they will later give in various ways, including contact information and all kinds of information about product-service purchases obtained within the scope of permission/laws, in accordance with the legal principles and personal data storage-destruction policies regarding the processing and taking the necessary measures to protect their confidentiality;
- By and between our Data Controller Company GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. and your Company -the partners-business partners, successors, service providers-suppliers and other third parties/organisations (data controllers, processors and/or recipient groups as the case may be) required by the purpose of processing (including social media-online advertising operators),
- Both for legal reasons related to the realisation of consumer rights, customer-member services and related commercial-financial and legal responsibilities-obligations related to the products-services it receives / is interested in, both in order to benefit from general and personalised products-services and opportunities, and in order to make all kinds of product-service promotion, advertising, communication, promotion, sales, marketing, store card, credit card and user / membership / customer transactions, information and applications,

- Thus, in the cases specified herein and also in cases where it is expressly stipulated in the laws that personal data may be processed and transferred, in cases where the information is made public by the party, in cases where it is necessary to process personal data belonging to the contracting parties directly related to the establishment or performance of all kinds of consumer, membership and other contracts, also in cases where it is mandatory for the data controller/processor to fulfil all kinds of legal obligations, as well as in cases where data processing and transfer is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of rights, and in cases where data processing and transfer is mandatory/necessary for the legitimate interests stipulated here and in the law as the data controller/processor, provided that it does not harm fundamental rights and freedoms

- Demographic member / user / customer information such as name, surname, nickname, age / date of birth, gender, marital status, marriage date, child status, means of transport owned, region of residence, address and delivery address, education level, profession / job, cultural, artistic, sportive, holiday, etc. interests-hobbies and habits, private-official identity, ID no. and tax information, photographs, video recordings (for security purposes) and call centre call voice recordings, shopping habits-preferences, likes and related comments on all kinds of products and services, including clothing, campaigns, competitions, surveys, etc. used/participated in, and their contents, invoice contents, invoice contents. invoice contents, payment methods, card and account information excluding confidential information such as passwords, old and new mobile/home/work phone/fax numbers, e-mail addresses, approach-actions to electronic commercial and other communications, fixed and mobile device name(s), type, model and codes used for various purposes, identification information (cookies, web browser beacons-information, IP, beacon, wired-wireless network connection information, etc.), advertisement identifier information, social media profile and account information-operations and personal information regarding location data

- Partially or completely by all kinds of automated / non-automated methods (from the information provided verbally / in writing by the members / users / customers to our Company and the above-mentioned organisations, from visiting the stores and / or the physical-virtual environments where they are located, from visiting the websites, including mobile applications, and from content reviews, membership and transaction information on the sites belonging to social media and advertising network operators, member/user and call centre transactions (physical and virtual/digital) before our Company and the aforementioned organisations, payment-collection-delivery-complaint-campaign-survey transactions regarding purchases and customer satisfaction and their legal financial documents and other documents-records, also from written, verbal, visual and technical data generated/acquired during the use of fixed-mobile internet and communication devices and/or mobile applications in various environments and places), taking over, saving in written/magnetic archives at home and abroad for a period not exceeding the legal maximum periods and for a period to be stipulated in accordance with the purpose of processing according to the nature of the information, storage, retention, preservation, making available, use, updating, modification, merging, rearrangement, classification, disclosure, sharing, transfer (domestically and internationally) by the above-mentioned persons/organisations, by transferring, transferring, destroying (deletion, destruction or anonymisation) and other methods in accordance with the laws.

- Our members, in accordance with the relevant current laws and policies, in accordance with the legal scope-measures, practices regarding the processing of their personal data and the processed information, whether their personal data is used in accordance with the purpose specified in this Information-Contract, third parties to whom their information is transferred, correction in case of incomplete or incorrect processing, Our Data Controller Company GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A. Ş. on issues such as deletion or destruction of data, notification of corrected/deleted/destroyed information (if any) to relevant third parties, objection to the emergence of a result against them by analysing them with automated systems, and compensation in case of damage due to unlawful processing of data. Ş. at any time through the above-mentioned communication channels (in accordance with the law and in accordance with the legal procedure). Their applications and requests in these matters will be fulfilled within the legal maximum periods or may not be accepted by explaining the legal justification to the party. The processing of personal data that is legally possible or required or obliged to be carried out by our Company will be continued in any case. Members may exercise their other rights under the relevant laws.

- Our Company GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. for the purposes of promotion, advertisement, communication, promotion, sale and marketing of all kinds of products and services, as well as store card, credit card and membership information, transactions and applications with our members, again in accordance with the law. SMS / short message, instant notification, automatic call, computer, telephone, e-mail / e-mail, fax, (if open on your device) all kinds of notifications, bluetooth, beacon - all other general-private wireless networks, social media and online communication networks and other electronic communication tools, social, commercial and other electronic communications can be made, commercial electronic messages can be sent to our members.
- Our members can stop commercial electronic communications at any time they wish and without any justification; by contacting our Company through the relevant communication channels specified (above - below) or by making the rejection process specified in our messages or by using the system established / established by the competent authorities, if any. According to the explicit notification of the member in this regard, the communications to the party for the channels specified by the member are stopped within the legal maximum period (possible-required transactions and communications according to the law continue in any case).

- Our members can remove ‘cookies’ and/or stop notifications from the operating system and/or internet browser settings of their computers and mobile devices at any time.

- The personal data of our members who change any information (including contact information) with the information update transactions you will make on our site and the permission they give regarding personal data and electronic commercial communication are also valid for the changed / new information. As such, our members who change their communication preferences and stop commercial electronic communication for any communication channel-address or make the rejection process in our commercial electronic messages, when they make a transaction on the membership page that they want to communicate, they continue to receive our commercial electronic messages from the relevant channel, without the need for any further permission / approval and regardless of their previous rejection notifications, if any, based on the approval they have given here and otherwise, but again until they change their communication preference from the membership page on our site or make a rejection notification for any commercial communication.

The Member who approves this Agreement by entering the information requested in the Membership Information to our Site; In addition to having previously seen and examined the information on personal data transactions and membership-customer services on our Site,
- That he/she has read and understood all the information and conditions written in this Information-Contract, that he/she will comply with all the obligations of his/her party completely and on time, and that he/she will bear the relevant rights and responsibilities,

- Especially in terms of Personal Data; from the member, product-service providers, their business partners, investors and service-service providers and suppliers (facebook, instagram, demographic member/user/customer information such as name, surname, nickname, age/date of birth, gender, marital status, marriage date, child status, means of transport, region of residence, address and delivery address, education level, profession/job, cultural, artistic, sportive, holiday etc. demographic member/user/customer information such as interests-hobbies and habits, private-official ID, ID no. and tax information, 

Card and account information, old and new mobile/home/work phone/fax numbers, e-mail addresses, approach to electronic commercial and other communications, old and new mobile/home/work phone/fax numbers, e-mail addresses, approach to electronic commercial and other communications, invoice contents, payment methods, payment methods, card and account information excluding confidential information such as passwords, old and new mobile/home/work phone/fax numbers, e-mail addresses, electronic commercial and other communications. and their contents, invoice contents, payment methods, card and account information excluding confidential information such as passwords, old and new mobile/home/work phone/fax numbers, e-mail addresses, approach-actions to electronic commercial and other communications, fixed and mobile device name(s) used for various purposes, type, model and codes, cookies (cookies, web browser beacons-information, IP, beacon, wired-wireless network connection information, etc.), advertising identifier information, social media profile and account information-operations and location data) Our Company GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A. Ş. and the aforementioned persons - organizations in accordance with the relevant laws-policies, for the purpose, scope and conditions specified in this Information-Contract and / or personal data storage and destruction policies, partially / fully automated / non-automated methods (cookies, bluetooth, beacon, wireless networks, 

from the information they provide verbally/written to our Company and the aforementioned organizations, including other general and private networks, online networks, etc., from their visits to the stores and/or the physical-virtual environments where they are located, their websites including mobile applications and content reviews, membership and transaction information on the sites of social media and advertising network operators, Payment-collection-delivery-complaint-campaign-survey transactions regarding payment-collection-delivery-complaint-campaign-survey transactions and their legal financial documents and other documents-records regarding member/user and call center transactions and purchases and customer satisfaction before our Company and the aforementioned organizations (physical and virtual/digital), also from written, verbal, visual and technical data generated/acquired in the use of fixed-mobile qualified internet and communication devices and/or mobile applications in various environments and places) to obtain, take over, record, store, preserve, store, store, use, change domestically and internationally, (consent) to be updated, rearranged, disclosed, classified, merged (including social media accounts), transferred domestically and internationally by the above-mentioned organizations, shared among those concerned, stored, transferred, used and processed in other ways by the parties, 

that he has learned all his rights to know and request information regarding the processing, destruction (deletion, destruction or anonymization) and processing of his personal data and that he can always use his rights in accordance with the relevant law by applying to our Data Controller Company GÜRMEN GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. through the specified communication channels (processing that is possible, necessary and / or obliged by law will continue)

- Especially in terms of Commercial Electronic Messages; in accordance with the relevant laws, to make commercial and non-commercial electronic communications to the party regarding all kinds of products-services and opportunities, and to send all kinds of commercial electronic messages via computer, telephone, fax, automatic dialing machines and other appropriate devices-channels over the internet and communication networks (including social media and other online communication networks), that he/she knows that his/her contact information has been received for this purpose, that he/she has learned that he/she can stop “commercial electronic communication” at any time he/she wishes (if any) and without any justification by using the right of refusal with the methods specified in the text message/email received by him/her or by applying other specified legal/technical methods (commercial communications and social communications that are possible, necessary and/or obliged to be made by law will continue),

- And in general, it declares and accepts that it can benefit from all features-services, products-services-possibilities under the conditions mentioned.
- Other sites accessed from our site have their own privacy-security policies and terms of use; Our Company is not responsible for any disputes, material and moral damages and losses that may arise due to the use of information from websites, all kinds of notifications and mobile applications accessed for advertising, banners, content or any other purpose, as well as the ethical principles, privacy-security principles, personal data storage and destruction policies, service quality, terms of use and other practices of the sites.

- All intellectual-industrial rights and property rights, except for those belonging to other third parties according to our Company's agreement; all intellectual-industrial rights and property rights belong to the Company regarding all kinds of information and content related to our Site and their arrangement, revision and partial / complete use.
- The members are responsible for the information obtained by the members from our Site or other sites / mobile applications / all kinds of notifications linked on our Site, information, promotion and advertisements made to them electronically, as well as the decisions they take within the framework of all kinds of suggestions, all kinds of transactions and applications and their results.
- In the event that the members are informed in the specified ways and / or purchase a product / service as a result of the communications, notifications, notifications, promotions and advertisements made to them, the said transaction is also subject to the consumer contract they will make with the seller / provider in accordance with the legal procedure. The consumer contract is applied on its own terms and between the parties. In your purchases from our site, the terms of the order preliminary information form-distance sales contract that you will see during each transaction (also) will be valid.

Our Company reserves the right to make any changes that it may deem necessary in the above matters and in the products, services and opportunities it will offer to its members; these changes will be effective from the moment they are announced by our Company on the Site / mobile application or other appropriate methods; all campaigns are subject to the announced terms.

You can consult our Company for additional information on all these issues.

Our members can notify our Company of their requests and complaints by contacting through the communication channels.

Tel: +(90)2124840494
We are pleased to meet the justified demands-complaints and all kinds of applications of our members. If it is not possible, you can apply to the Provincial and District Arbitration Committees and Consumer Courts in your settlement within the legal monetary limits.