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Commercial Electronic Communication Approval


Commercial Electronic Message Consent - Email

Within the framework of the Law on the Regulation of Trade and the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, you accept all promotional, campaign and information messages to be sent by the SELLER or through an intermediary company regarding the products offered to you on the SITE by the electronic mail (e-mail) company and / or by using intermediary institutions and all kinds of commercial electronic messages with data, audio and video content sent to your e-mail address for commercial purposes.

After you tick the option "I want to benefit from campaigns by e-mail or I want to be informed about campaigns and announcements", you will be considered as "PERMITTED" data as of your membership date and you will be deemed to have given your consent to be contacted by the above-mentioned means of communication.

You can easily unsubscribe from the daily e-mail list by clicking on the link 'If you do not want to be notified of campaign announcements, please click here' at the bottom of the e-mails sent from the SITE or SELLER and Ramsey.

Commercial Electronic Message Approval - Telephone

Within the framework of the Law on the Regulation of Trade and the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, you accept all kinds of commercial electronic messages containing data, audio and video content sent for commercial purposes and sent electronically using means such as telephone, call centres, automatic calling machines, smart voice recorder systems, short message service regarding the Brand and / or Company products offered to you on the SITE by the SELLER or through an intermediary company and all promotional, campaign and information messages to be sent to your phone number.

After you tick the option"I want to benefit from campaigns by SMS or I want to be informed about campaigns and announcements" , you will be considered as "PERMITTED" data as of your membership date and you will be deemed to have given your consent to communicate with all the above-mentioned means of communication.

If you do not want to receive SMS, you can easily unsubscribe from the SMS notification service with the SMS Cancellation instructions in the SMS.